- To find a college that will help me discover the right career path, and further develop skills needed for my future profession.

Dedication and doing with a purpose are two values I, James Higgins, have obliged myself to. Aside from participating in soccer since age three, I enjoy learning in both the school and personal enviornment. One subject I find most interesting is engineering, because problem solving and generating new ideas are interesting tasks to me. Academically, I have always tried to get the most out of what school offers rather than put in the minimum effort. This is most clearly shown in my 2013 sophmore year in highschool, when I won two academic awards for Biology and English. Outside of school, I have always tried to maintain an honost and hardworking reputation. As a junior on the brink of adulthood, I have discovered taking risks is neccisary for fulfilling ones potential in life. One ackomplishment I made this year was building a functioning website from scratch.